"Kirborbie Oracle" - Gauntlet DLC

Hello to all the two people reading this!! The Gauntlet has pretty much wrapped up development, so we thought we'd make a new.. spinoff, I guess you'd call it. 

We're making a prequel "DLC" to Gauntlet, takes place a few days before and tells the tale of the shopkeeper Kirborbie and his relevance to JackyCorp Labs. This DLC is titled Kirborbie Oracle. It's free, of course, and it's going to be on my Itch page once complete.. whenever that is. 

The reason it's called a "DLC" is pretty much the fact it's like a side-mode, however wouldn't work to just port it in the default game. It features the same bosses as before, with a unique twist of YOU playing as Kirborbie, with an entirely new melee-only arsenal. That's not all, of course. It comes with other new gameplay mechanics, story, fights and secrets I won't spoil here.

It features some updates to Gauntlet that will come in the future (placeholder images removed, quality of life features, bug fixes, extra details, all that boring stuff) Mostly wrote this log so the two people who've played this know I'm not just a rotting corpse. ANYWAY, see ya

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